Thursday, July 17, 2008

I am a BLACK sheep.. :(

I became more confident to enter the class for this time. I had ‘injected’ myself with some of technology knowledge based on the previous lesson. I did read about some of the downloading software and it gave me crystal clear view on how they work. Ahaaa, before I forgot, my 4GB thumbdrive!!! My heart had swollen with joy, as this was my first time having 4BG thumbdrive. Then, I could make a simple conclusion, the bigger the bite, the larger amount of teaching resources I could store, so, the bigger chances for me to prepare outstanding teaching plans. Am I right? Hehehe..
For today’s lesson, the lecturer had given Assignment 1. We had to do the assignment in groups of 5 with multiracial groupmates. First of all, I should say thank you to my lecturer for this. I agreed with her idea of having multiracial group members because in my opinion, it was good for us to exchange ideas with different people instead of working with the same groupmates for all the times. Besides that, we could get to know each other even closer. Unfortunately, there were some people who still cannot accept this idea. They think that working with their best friends is better than working with their other friends.
After all the class members got the permission to select the group, one of my friends and I had randomly selected a particular group. Suddenly, we heard our names being yelled out by someone. It seemed that we were not invited to that group or we should not be in that group. We were like the black sheeps of the group. Then, our names had been bad we felt at that time..thanks to our current group for accepting us..
Until now, we still feel that it is useless to be kind with all people because I won't be paid the same..Friends..Be Courteous..


kasthuri said...

hi dila..
you will do the best
cheer up and enjoy exploring the project. My warmest wishes to you...